Welcome to the Hispanic Fanatic. 

As the title of this blog implies, I am a Latino writer. Although Hispanics are the largest ethnic minority in the United States (it’s true) our online presence is so scant that it appears I am one of 14 brown people who actually own a computer. As such, I am a default expert on all things Hispanic – even though I’m part Italian and Irish, my Spanish sucks, and I live in the Anglo-dominated Midwest.

Still, it is my hope that I can offer a few insights into what it means to be a member of the dreaded Brown Invasion. I do not claim that my opinions are definitive for all Hispanics. Furthermore, I am not an expert in sociology, nor do I have the resources to dig up obscure data to boggle your mind into catatonia. These are simply my opinions, formed by personal experience and (one hopes) a modicum of rational thought.

The point of the blog is simple: I will note my thoughts on a wide range of subjects that have to do with the Hispanic experience in America. In turn, you are free to become illuminated to such an intense degree that you fairly glow, or you can post responses that detail how astonishingly ignorant my reckless insights are. I prefer the former.

The rules for the blog are lax. Vulgarity and profanity are allowed, perhaps encouraged at times and, depending on the topic, may even be required. However, personal attacks, whether upon your gracious host or your fellow guests, will not be dignified with responses and deleted as soon as possible. In essence, ranting and raving is fine, but let’s try to have a coherent point somewhere in there, people.

Because this is very much a work in progress, I’m still experimenting with content and layout. My plan is to post several times a week, so check back often. I intend to write about the big political subjects as well as offer personal observations on anything that has to do with Latino culture or societal trends. I will also present anecdotes and the occasional profile of family or friends (many of whom are actual Hispanics!). And of course, there will be linking to relevant news stories or clips. Who knows, maybe I’ll post a bad poem or two before I’m done.

In any case, I invite you to read my posts and respond with your thoughts if you like. I know I’m curious about where this is going, so let’s get started.